Infusing Everyday Parenting Moments with Mindfulness: A Workshop for Parents

Saturday, Mar 24, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST

3903 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98105, United States

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Registration (click the arrow to the left for more information) Partial Approval - $100.00

We offer an income-based reduced rate and have a limited number of scholarships for mindfulness classes and workshops. Please email for inquiries before registering.

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UW Affiliate Registration (Faculty & Staff - See details) Partial Approval - $80.00

This rate is only available to current University of Washington faculty and staff. You must use your UW email address and provide your department, office, and position.

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Saturday, Mar 24, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST

Center for Child and Family Well-Being, 3903 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98105, United States.


Infusing Everyday Parenting Moments with Mindfulness:

A Workshop for Parents 

Liliana Lengua, Ph.D.

Saturday, March 24, 2018
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Dr. Liliana Lengua, Child Psychologist, Psychology Professor and Director of the Center for Child and Family Well-Being will lead this 1-day training on evidence-based mindful parenting, including tools for bringing mindfulness into your everyday interactions with your child.

As parents, we strive to draw upon the most effective parenting strategies for our children. Even when we know the best practices, it can be challenging to use them consistently – particularly if there are economic or work challenges, family conflict, mental health issues, divorce, death, or other stressful life circumstances.

Incorporating mindfulness practices into parenting strategies can help parents have more positive interactions with their children. In this workshop, Dr. Lengua will interweave mindfulness with best parenting practices that can be used in every-day interactions between parents and children to enhance parents’ effectiveness and relationships with their children.

This workshop will provide you with tools and inspiration to make your parenting even more effective by tailoring your approach to your child’s personality. Additional learning objectives include:

Learn best parenting practices of warmth, consistency, and scaffolding

Use mindfulness practices to increase use of best parenting practices

Use mindfulness practices to be present, calm and wise-minded

Combine specific parenting and mindfulness practices when interacting with children.


About the Presenter 


 Liliana Lengua, Ph.D., UW Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Child and Family Well-being, is a child clinical psychologist and a mother of 3 children. She is an internationally recognized expert on children’s vulnerable and resilient responses to stress, demonstrating how parenting and children’s temperament contributes to children’s unique responses to stress. She is also recognized for her research on the effects of stress and adversity on parenting and children’s social-emotional development and has developed an evidence-based parenting program infused with mindfulness practices to enhance parenting effectiveness. She has been the principal investigator of several federally funded research projects and is the author of over 90 published papers.




Course Fee: $100.00

If you are interested in financial assistance, CCFW offers two options

Income based-reduced fee of $70.00, available to individuals with an annual household income from all sources of $60,000 or less. For more details please email

A limited number of scholarship are available per course. To apply for a scholarship, please review the criteria and complete the application here:

Note: Scholarship applications will be notified no later than 3 weeks prior to the workshop. Applicants must wait to register for the course until a decision is made in order to qualify.


**NEW** UW Affiliate Discounts

20% for UW Faculty & Employees. Use your UW email address to register, include department name, office, and position. Please note: The UW Faculty and Employee discount may not be applied towards friends or family members. 

25% if paying with a UW budget number. UW Budget number is required at registration.


Pay it Forward - Support the Scholarship Fund

If you are able to pay more for the course, we encourage you to consider donating to the Mindfulness Outreach Fund which allows CCFW to offer 50% and 100% scholarships to community members to aid in the cost of registration fees for mindfulness courses. Scholarships are awarded to increase accessibility of mindfulness and compassion training for individuals who have limited resources to obtain such training and to those who work with communities experiencing adversity. To make a donation to the scholarship fund, please visit


Privacy Policy

The personal information you submit to the Center for Child & Family Well-Being will not be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties in any form, for any purpose, at any time without your authorization.




Contact Information

Marcellina DesChamps

Associate Director of Programs

Center for Child & Family Well-Being

Office: 206.221.8508


Cancellation policy

Please review CCFW's cancellation policy.

***20% of workshop registration fees are non-refundable***

Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel your registration. Please review our cancellation deadlines below:

Cancellation two weeks before workshop: 80% refund
Cancellation within two weeks of workshop: 50% refund
Cancellations on the date of the workshop: No refunds guaranteed on or after the date of the workshop.

University of Washington Center for Child & Family Well-being

The Center for Child and Family Well-Being promotes positive development for children and families by translating research for practical application.We share knowledge through education, professional training and outreach to the community.

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